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All About Traveling Life is a very beautiful gift from our Creator. Do not waste your beautiful gift with only stay in one place. Use your beautiful gift to discover a lot of places in this earth. Traveling is the answer to discover a lot of new thing in our beautiful gift. Traveling will make your beautiful gift become colourful.

Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi

Indonesia's Traveling Destinations

Pulau Sembilan is the name for an area consisting of 9 islands located in Sinjai District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. every island in this region actually has their respective names: Burungloe Island, Liang Island liang, Kambuno Island, Kodingare Island, Batanglampe Island, Katingdoang Island, Kanalo Island 1, Kanalo Island 2 and Larearea Island.

Actually in the island of Sembilan island there are 10 but somehow the island is not included in the list of the district of Island 9.the island of Island 9 people named Lafoifoi Island is a unique island because the small island with beautiful sand that there are only rocks and one tree. Of the 9 Islands on the island of Sembilan only 1 uninhabited island.

during the tour around Pulau Sembilan you will find a grouper fish farming, seaweed and fishing vessels parked in the middle of the sea you can also enjoy the underwater beauty of Sembilan Island with snorkeling and diving.

Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi
Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi
Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi
Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi
Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi
Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi
Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi
Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi
Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi
Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi
Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi
Pulau 9 Sinjai South Sulawesi
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